
How To Make Folders On Ps5

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  • #1
I have at present passed the point where I accept also many different games ranging from local multiplayer, games I am currently playing and games that I still need to cease. Organizing those during the PS4 expanse was a god send.

I need those folders for PS5 Sony, mutual at present!

Who else?

  • #ii
Still can't believe they weren't in in that location twenty-four hours one.
  • #3
Folders or tags, some style to organise the library in a custom style. I don't know why it'southward e'er a dropped characteristic every new UI (talking nearly Nintendo here too).
  • #4
I feel like some shit never changes.

Hype new panel generation
Ooo shiny
Oh, can we have this please?

  • #5
Folders should exist at that place solar day one. It's ridiculous.
And why the hell have less choices when I press "options" on a game in the library!? Can't fifty-fifty pin or update a game on the main screen without starting it first.
  • #vi
Can you back upwards PS5 salvage games to USB at present?
  • #7
Honestly I don't know why features get removed every generation and so accept 2 or more than years to become back in. Then get removed once again next fourth dimension. These are standard features that should be there day one. Imagine if Windows came out without folders and it took 2 or more than years to catch up with each major release.
  • #8
It's crazy that Sony and Nintendo both dropped the ball on this for so long, after having folders final gen
  • #ix
I have 400 digital games and this doesn't bother me at all personally. I doubt if utilise them fifty-fifty if the organisation has them.

There is clearly a need hither for them though

  • #x
Coding 4K folders is too difficult.
  • #eleven
How many generations has information technology been where new products don't have folders and it takes years to patch them in.
  • #12
Still can't believe they weren't in there solar day one.
Sometimes it feels like basic features such every bit folders are omitted at launch on purpose so they can have something to add in hereafter software updates.
  • #13
Folders are less useful for massive libraries, I'd rather have Steam-way dynamic collections.
  • #14
Omg yes. "Your Collection" is so bad. It doesn't make any sense. The least they could exercise is brand information technology more visually highly-seasoned, especially since collecting digitally has become so popular.
  • #15
I approximate they're not Common People.
  • #16
I just need more storage space
  • #17
Ideally, i'd accept liked folders from Day 1. Similar if Sony took the PS4 UI features and implemented them into the PS5 UI and built from there.
  • #xviii
I'm not request for clutter, just there is a lot of wasted real estate on the PS5 front page.
Snake Eater
  • #19
Sometimes it feels like basic features such as folders are omitted at launch on purpose then they can take something to add in future software updates.

That's exactly the reason, one has to exist pretty naive to think Sony didn't recollect virtually folders when making the PS5 UI, only they can concord it off as a big "update" for the future
  • #xx
Took Nintendo 5+ years to get anything resembling folders. As long every bit they don't accept that long they're golden.
  • #21
Honestly I don't know why features get removed every generation and then take two or more years to go back in. Then get removed again next time. These are standard features that should be there day i. Imagine if Windows came out without folders and it took 2 or more than years to grab up with each major release.

Trying to understand this as well. At this point folders should be considered an 'industry standard', and I tin't figure why features like this don't migrate across consoles from the get-go.
  • #22
please take patience, perhaps in 2025.
  • #23
It's crazy how they made a new UI for the sake of new, throwing expert and popular functions from concluding gen'due south UI out. Folders now!
  • #24
I barely used folders on PS4... but y'all know what I miss the most? The PS4 activity feed, it was kinda nice seeing which trophies my friends got recently.
  • #25
Sometimes yous just question why such uncomplicated things gets snubbed all the time
  • #26
In that location is a organization for people who want Folders, Themes and Save Backups... 😢

The situation with features that should be a baseline on these consoles in this generation is ridiculous.

  • #27
I barely used folders on PS4... but you know what I miss the most? The PS4 activity feed, it was kinda prissy seeing which trophies my friends got recently.

This as well. I used to look at that all the time. Now the PS5 actually appears more than enclosed and isolated from online almost like a regression than the PS4 lol, because it's not always easily apparent what people are playing anymore it's hidden backside many options and button presses.

Before on PS4 y'all were able to instantly go to their list of recent games and activities from the activeness feed, which was uodated in real time and was easily accessible. You could even Like their activity which was kinda absurd and you'd get Likes besides such as platinuming a game people saw that in their activity feed merely that's gone.

You could likewise get an idea of the types of games they were playing from the activity feed and then get to the store to cheque information technology out if you wanted to buy information technology.

I merely find the whole feature and OS thing bizarre with PS5. They were touting information technology every bit being very online and e'er connected with friends more than than always earlier. But it'southward taken a few steps back in that regard lol.

As well I however don't know how to have a group go into a game and get-go playing it together without inviting everyone individually. Accept to ship invites when in game to bring together it. It just doesn't seem seamless and more than of a downgrade in some aspects.

  • #28
Never had a demand for them but I only ever have a max of 3 games installed at once.
  • #29
Its and then crazy to me that we go through this every gen
  • #30
Mutual Sony
Rare Sony
Epic Sony
  • #31
I'm bold the usage on PS4 was pretty low then its low on the priority listing for PS5.

Plus folders kinda suck for huge libraries. Would rather a tagging system or something. Besides, the vocalization input works pretty well at this bespeak for launching a random game not on the chief bar.

  • #32
This too. I used to look at that all the time. Now the PS5 actually appears more enclosed and isolated from online almost similar a regression than the PS4 lol, because it's not e'er easily apparent what people are playing anymore it's hidden behind many options and button presses.

Before on PS4 you were able to instantly go to their list of recent games and activities from the activity feed, which was uodated in real fourth dimension and was easily accessible. Y'all could even Similar their action which was kinda cool and y'all'd get Likes besides such as platinuming a game people saw that in their activity feed merely that's gone.

You could also get an idea of the types of games they were playing from the action feed and and so go to the store to check it out if you wanted to buy it.

I just find the whole feature and OS affair bizarre with PS5. They were touting it every bit being very online and always connected with friends more than ever before. But information technology'southward taken a few steps back in that regard lol.

Besides I still don't know how to take a group go into a game and start playing information technology together without inviting everyone individually. Accept to send invites when in game to join it. Information technology just doesn't seem seamless and more of a downgrade in some aspects.

+1 to missing the activeness feed. Whenever I use my partners PS4 I think how information technology made the whole platform feel more than connected. Now all you take are online statuses and the option to manually bank check friends trophies. On the telephone app now it just shows your own recently played games.
  • #33
+1 to missing the activity feed. Whenever I apply my partners PS4 I call up how information technology made the whole platform feel more than connected. At present all yous have are online statuses and the option to manually check friends trophies. On the telephone app at present it merely shows your own recently played games.
Yeah it actually feels less connected than before somehow lol. The irony of the marketing etc
  • #34
Sony already helps you with a small ssd, this sounds like lament for the sake of it.
  • #35
I never had a PS4, so I jumped from PS3 to PS5, with Xbox being my main platform throughout. No joke -- I was shocked when I saw how little I could exercise in terms of organizing and personalizing on my PS5, which I concluded up getting first earlier the Series consoles just past luck of availability.

Didn't matter much at first, because my library was obviously pretty small-scale, but I feel for long-time users. I have 15GB of Xbox games sitting there on my Serial X drive/external/memory card. It would exist such a mess if I couldn't organize at least my ongoing games, current games and "up next" games, let solitary my apps and stuff.

But seems such an obvious matter? The only affair I tin think of is that they idea they had fourth dimension to bake it in because the SSDs are so small and their information shows most people don't expand it? But it's been eighteen months. Let's go already.

  • #36
Folders in the traditional sense should die. More useful is having customizable and searchable metadata. Flag a game as in progress or local multiplayer, and yous can easily find them by searching and filtering through your game library.
  • #37
Yeah, 620 or so games here.

I'd like a drawer in the quick bar for the activity cards.

  • #38
This is ane of my few big complaints about the ps5. Folders were a godsend on the ps4, it's pretty heed boggling the ps5 has been out for a year and a half now and it still doesn't accept them.
  • #39
Yeah, got enough of fighting games and it sucks not being able to put them in a folder like I did on my Pro.
  • #forty
I miss folders and so much. I only take about 90 PS5 games and so information technology's still easy to go through, just I have and then and then many PS4 games on my external drive; I think over 300. I but want to organize them dammit.
  • #41
The search and being in alphabetical order is enough for almost people. I used to folder all my shit on PS3 + PS4 then realised it wasn't worth the hassle and you won't play ten% of your Installed games anyway.
  • #42
I must be one for the few who doesn't really care for folders
  • #43
Doesn't carp me. My well-nigh played games are on the home screen, otherwise I go to the library section for the ones that aren't.

Beginning earth problems

  • #44
I'one thousand bold the usage on PS4 was pretty low and then its depression on the priority list for PS5.

Plus folders kinda suck for huge libraries. Would rather a tagging arrangement or something. Likewise, the voice input works pretty well at this point for launching a random game non on the chief bar.

Tagging organisation would work also, but we really don't have that either. They added the power to filter by tags in the latest update, which is amazing information technology took that long given that functionality already existed in other versions of that view in other areas like the store, only without custom tags it's not very useful.

And voice input doesn't help with remembering what games I have in which genres.

  • #45
I need them just to sort my arcade stuff, it's probably the main affair I miss from PS4
  • #46
PS4 folders are admittedly horrible in my opinion. The fact that I can't place a game in multiple folders, the fact that I tin but organise installed games in folders, and the fact that they have to appear on the abode screen with no option to just sort habitation screen games past date last played makes them completely useless for me. Wish Sony could take hints from Nintendo with respect to UX design and home screen features in general.
  • #47
The principal carte in two words: wasted space

I hate information technology how much real estate is only used for useless wallpaper screen saver. Also why are the bodily icons so tiny?!?

  • #48
It wouldn't be so much of a problem for me if it just had better Library filters. Information technology's mad that they take all these categories in their API, just don't expose them to the console to let the states filter. Not simply this, but some sections of the Library expose filters, merely don't on others.

How handy would it be if I can quickly find all my VR-uniform games?

It doesn't exist, just hopefully with VR2 coming along they will add together this.

  • #49
It's hilarious that folders made it to PS4 afterwards years of waiting, then they released PS5 without them and here nosotros are over a year later still no folders. Sony never changes.
  • #50
I have a huge backlog only I similar the option to filter by panel (ps4/ps5). Good plenty for me.


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